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Lenne Set RONIT Art. 21720D/3324

Lenne Set RONIT Art. 21720D/3324


Weatherproof demi-season set is perfect for autumn-winter weather when outside temperatures are between +5 .. -10 degrees!The set made of weatherproof fabric is perfect to wear for every occassion during winter. When the jacket is worn with the wind- and weatherproof trousers of the same set, you get the ideal outfit for outdoor playing. When the jacket is worn with jeans or smart casual trousers, you’ll get a nice and comfortable street outfit. Extra light winter wadding keeps the child warm and offers maximum freedom to move around. The jacket has two zipped pockets in which the child can hide his hands from the wind or use them for tucking away a pair of small gloves. The waterproof surface of the fabric protects from wind and rain, does not become deformed and handles regular washing, maintaining its original qualities. The safe snap-fastened hood detaches from the product if it gets stuck.


Модель Set RONIT
Цвет 3324
Артикул производителя 21720D
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